My Gen X Playlist: Panic – The Smiths

24 thoughts on “My Gen X Playlist: Panic – The Smiths”

  1. I bought one of those once. I love to cook and I had heard good things. But, like you, I had some major hesitations about using it. To be honest, I was a bit intimidated by the air fryer at first and now I use it all the time. I remember the first time we pulled it out though. I was so nervous! I thought, somehow, that we were going to get the timing wrong and the whole thing was going to erupt in flames. I mean, even the name… “air fryer” sounds sort of menacing, doesn’t it? Anyway, the brand new Insta Pot did eventually make its way to Goodwill. And now that I live in a tiny house with an even tinier kitchen, I probably won’t buy another one. But I wish you luck with yours. 😉 Who knows? Maybe it will be the best thing ever.

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    1. Thanks so much for sharing! It’s comforting knowing I’m not alone, even with everyday challenges such as this. After writing this post, now I’m a little determined to give it a try. I appreciate the words of encouragement! Much appreciated!

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  2. Last year, I had a bunch of kitchen appliances. Now I have one. A coffee maker that makes single cups of coffee, and a toaster oven. I don’t use the toaster oven anymore, so I’m thinking of ditching it. I never used the other ones, so we donated them to Goodwill. Like, I think I used my Insta-pot once just to see what the fuss was all about. Eh… whatever. ^_^

    Maybe if I was still cooking for a family it would be different, but I’m just cooking for me, so all of those things are superfluous. In my humble opinion, of course. I hope you find your Insta-pot more useful than I did. ^_^

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  3. I used to have an Instant Pot and struggled with it, so I understand completely. But because so many people rave about theirs, there must be something to it that I’m overlooking. I wish you the best of luck with your Instant Pot adventure! If it doesn’t work out, maybe we can form a secret club. 🤣

    (PS- I love The Smiths)

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    1. Glad to meet a fellow Smiths lover!
      Everybody raves about theirs, right?! Thanks for the best wishes. Yes, we definitely will form the secret club if I manage to bomb. It will have the secret handshake and all!

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  4. Great background research on that song! I remembering hearing about the Chernobyl disaster in a sociology class called “Contemporary Soviet Society.” The professor learned of it during class and went pale. He was so upset. I don’t think I would’ve understood how bad it was otherwise.

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    1. I knew it was bad, but didn’t really understand until later. The background on the music has been interesting. It’s given me a little more depth about the music – a totally different take – it’s been fun

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  5. I also bought an Instant Pot because my sister-in-law raved about hers and used it all the time. I tried it out. I discovered that it cooks chicken really well, tender and juicy. So, now that’s all I use it for! Haha! Good luck for your Instant Pot adventure!

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