My Gen X Playlist: You Can’t Walk in Your Sleep (If you Can’t Sleep) – The Go Go’s

16 thoughts on “My Gen X Playlist: You Can’t Walk in Your Sleep (If you Can’t Sleep) – The Go Go’s”

  1. Your relationship with sleep sounds like my husband’s except he’ll sleep for as long as possible, even late into the afternoon if you let him (if he doesn’t have to get up for work). But he’ll avoid going to sleep for as long as he can.

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  2. I’m with ren on the sleep question. I’d still want to, though many days I just don’t want to go to bed! Great song, I don’t remember it or didn’t now it. Only recall the mainstream stuff the radio played. Thanks for sharing it!

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  3. I’ve never heard this song before. I like it a lot! Always a fan of the Go Go’s.
    I think I enjoy sleep too much to give it up. However, if I didn’t need sleep to survive, it might be nice to pull an all-nighter every once in a while doing something that I enjoy.

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