My Gen X Playlist: Everybody Hurts – REM

12 thoughts on “My Gen X Playlist: Everybody Hurts – REM”

  1. Very well-chosen song, top-drawer R.E.M. It has such heart to it; I can see why many people have gone to it for solace. I hear that in it every time I listen, regardless of what mood I’m in.

    I like to see the crisis line numbers in posts that have any info that could be triggering to people so thanks for doing that. I think it’s a way of offering resources, and even the act of just putting it in there, I think (hope), says “You matter. Here’s somewhere to go if you need help.”

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  2. Beautiful song! Sometimes a person goes through difficult circumstances during childhood. Complications do not occur until adulthood. All your friend needs to do is trust in God and pray.
    Thank you for sharing!

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