My Gen X Playlist: Get Off Of My Cloud – The Rolling Stones

11 thoughts on “My Gen X Playlist: Get Off Of My Cloud – The Rolling Stones”

  1. I think it was American author Anne Lamott who coined the phrase “sh*tty first drafts,” and I’ve had my share of them, including ones I started for my blog then abandoned. It’s funny that sometimes we begin writing, and there’s a lot of ‘clag,’ then we keep writing and remove much of what we started with as its only purpose was to get us through the writers’ block to the meat of what we intended to say. I’m rambling on, scrap that bit, LOL.

    I share your assessment of the song. Its success probably had more to do with who released it, as opposed to its quality.

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    1. I agree with you. I’ve told myself to just begin writing to get something down. The revisions make it ca completely different piece, but it would never have started without that fragmented incoherent first take!

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