My Gen X Playlist: Monsters and Angels – Voice of the Beehive

10 thoughts on “My Gen X Playlist: Monsters and Angels – Voice of the Beehive”

  1. I was a history major and love liberal arts colleges, but the school I went to is 80K/year now. It’s just too much. “Don’t feel the pressure of your career yet” is not something parents who paid the bills want to hear. I really think they need to start offering three-year BAs (like they do in the UK) with internships for all!

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    1. Ah, I should have clarified more. What he meant (or how I took it) is that finding your career takes time. You accept a position out of college, but this may not be the career you ultimately pursue. You have time to tweak as you go.

      I remember having a coffee with an intern. I invited him to chat because he was a little jittery. He was stressed out because he was unsure what to do if a job offer was extended. I told him to relax. We weren’t asking him to marry us. And candidly, most people dislike their first job out of college anyway. I counseled him that his goal was to obtain transferable skills in whatever job he has that will lead to an eventually chosen career. As he gains transferable skills and experiences different roles and industries, his career will eventually emerge. The early years were for exploring this path.

      Just my take.

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      1. Oh, now I understand better what you meant. I think I put it more bluntly to my kid: TAKE the job! It’s your first job; you don’t need stay forever, but I need you off the payroll! lol

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  2. Gen Z and our future Gen Alpha kiddos are so determined and globally aware. I see them every day. I wish I was that determined and free in my twenties! I didn’t have the freedom to pursue my own desires. I had a lot of pressure from my parents that led me to where I am right now.
    Great advice from your professor! 👌🏼

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  3. Beautifully written! Yes I am also my own valentine! I am a good teacher suddenly I discovered that I am a good story writer so now my career plan is to become a famous writer 😁☺️


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