My Gen X Playlist: Strobe Light – The B52’s

20 thoughts on “My Gen X Playlist: Strobe Light – The B52’s”

  1. Great song choice for the topic today! I hated pineapple growing up, probably because my mom would put it in absolutely everything. I figured she did it on purpose because i didn’t like it (spoiler alert: she did not do it for that reason). Now i love fresh pineapple!

    My intro to pomegranates was similarly rocky until i learned how to open one up — thanks, instagram!

    Great post as usual!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I agree with your sentiments on the pineapples and mangos completely!!! I just cut around the stickers nowadays. I love watermelons and all melons too but I don’t like the hassle of cutting them so I rarely eat them. Did you say you were growing the starfruit seeds? How are they doing?

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  3. Such a great 80s party band! I have so many memories associated with them. I think I saw them on their next tour at the Orpheum in Boston – around 1982. But we definitely knew that line:
    “I’m gonna kiss your pineapple” 🤣

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  4. grapes






    I’d never heard of the B-52s until the 1990s! I grew up in rural Ohio and was raised on the radio. When I moved to the Chicago area in 1989, my musical selections grew significantly.

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    1. That’s a great list of fruit. Love them all!

      Yes, the B-52s have a lot of great music. The old stuff is a little more raw. Private Idaho is my favorite song from them. The harmony of the ladies are the best!

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  5. I don’t remember his song at all! I love pineapple and fortunately my sweety is ace at cutting it up. Our go-to fruit these days is the Cosmic Crisp apple. They’re out of this world!


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