My Gen X Playlist: Walk Out To Winter – Aztec Camera

11 thoughts on “My Gen X Playlist: Walk Out To Winter – Aztec Camera”

  1. It’s been my experience that native East coasters who move to CA have a decent chance of “getting caught in the vortex” and never moving back, but the opposite is never true. Native Californians always go back – eventually. Sometime after 30+ years! Great post 😄

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    1. My nieces and nephew are going to school on the east coast and love it! I secretly hope they come back to the west coast at some point in their lives, but it may be a toss up. Your stats make me hopeful!

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  2. Haha…did you buy the boots after all?
    I have a friend from Canada who moved to NC a few years ago. She laughs hysterically when they send us emails from school that they’re closing because of an inch of snow.

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  3. I can relate! My weather is similar to yours, only hotter. I once heard that living in a warm climate thins your blood, so you feel the cold much stronger. I don’t know if that’s true or not, but it sure seems like it.

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  4. Just for fun, you should come up here to Canada to ice fish in -36C, the temperature at which Celsius and Fahrenheit are almost the same! (Though admittedly, we got very little of that extreme temperature last winter.)

    I don’t know a lot of Aztec Camera but wasn’t fond of this song. Good match for the prompt and your story, mind you.

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    1. That explains the hysterical laughter on the other end of the phone! I think those temperatures would be detrimental to my health!

      I think the two Aztec Camera songs I’ve blogged about are the only two I really know. I have the CD, but no other comes to mind.

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