My Gen X Playlist: Blasphemous Rumors – Depeche Mode

15 thoughts on “My Gen X Playlist: Blasphemous Rumors – Depeche Mode”

  1. I can understand your point of view. Organized religion has wounded many people over the years with its strict rules and hypocrisy. Where is the love and acceptance? All I can say for my own faith is that it’s a relationship, not a religion.

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  2. I totally agree about the religious right’s support of Trump. “Disingenuous” is putting it very politely, but I won’t go off in your comment section. Great song! I definitely remember dancing to this one.

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  3. I followed DM quite a bit but have no recollection of this tune, so thanks for pointing me to it.

    In Canada, fortunately so far, our political system hasn’t enmeshed itself with the church to the extreme yours has. And it totally makes sense that in the USA it was all about overturning the hard work that resulted in Roe v Wade.

    I was born Catholic later converting to United Church of Canada (basically equivalent to Presbyterian) and I too found organized religion often had little to do with spirituality and more to do with building a corporate structure. I fill my cup nowadays in nature and reading people like the American Franciscan priest Richard Rohr. He is very wise and compassionate, often upending the system in his sharing of wisdom.

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  4. Did you see what happened to the pope today or yesterday? He had to apologize after all. Anyway, I disagree with what most people agree on. However, in my community, people often confuse religious and cultural practices, conservative individuals push to follow a specific lifestyle, which leads to regrettable outcomes.

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      1. It came as he spoke against admitting gay men to seminaries during what was supposed to be a closed-door meeting with Italian bishops last week.

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  5. I grew up as a United Methodist church goer and I feel like there’s this hypocrisy that I can’t seem to shake off. Idk, it’s just another reason why I don’t attend church anymore and it breaks my mom’s heart.

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