My Gen X Playlist: American Music – Violent Femmes

19 thoughts on “My Gen X Playlist: American Music – Violent Femmes”

      1. Ah, I see. Basically, it is a map that breaks down the city in grids. You look up the street address and it gives you a page and the vertical and horizontal coordinates. Once you have that, you can figure out how to get there. The LA book was pretty thick. It was the only pre-internet way to find directions. It was a necessity for everyone!


      2. OK, right. We had something we just called “the atlas” but it sounds the same. Spiral bound maps of Boston and all the inner suburbs. It really was the only way good way to find places in neighborhood towns. It was either that or “call ahead and ask for directions” How positively Stone Age!

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  1. I always wanted to work in a library, but I could never land that job when it was available. I think maybe I’m just too loud. They probably heard the first sentence out of my mouth and decided I would be too disruptive in the hallowed space where one is always expected to speak only in whispers.

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  2. I don’t know many Violent Femmes songs; “Blistering in the Sun” comes to mind interesting sound. I took the straight-to-work route after high school, which was a limitation though I managed to overcome it and have an amazing and varied career. But I do recommend post-secondary studies and we’ve helped our kids through theirs.

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