My Gen X Playlist: E O Mai – Keali’i Reichel

18 thoughts on “My Gen X Playlist: E O Mai – Keali’i Reichel”

  1. wow wow wow. what a beautiful song. makes me wish we’d been invited to your wedding. 😁 i had passion fruit in australia. i think it was served atop vanilla ice cream. i think i liked it but haven’t sought it out since we left aus in 1991 so i would have to say i’m probably also not passionate about passion fruit

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  2. I have a passion fruit plant that bloomed and had great sweet fruit, not the typical passion fruit type which tends to be sour. I had to take them out now because they re-seed all over my yard.

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      1. Same. Seems that buying them unripe, leaving them out to soften, then refrigerating once they’re at the desired softness is the ticket to not opening rotten ones all the time.

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