My Gen X Playlist: Better Place – Rachel Platten

15 thoughts on “My Gen X Playlist: Better Place – Rachel Platten”

  1. Weddings and funerals do tend to bring people together. I hope your meal is everything you think it will be, but I’m sad it’s a funeral that brought it about. Take care.

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  2. well damn. ANOTHER new artist to me and I loved this song. My husband’s parents had those kind of lifelong friends. it’s a little easier when you live in the same town your whole life, but it’s still not easy. Thank you for this wonderful story and song today.

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  3. What a beautiful story! I can only imagine the tears during the funeral, and the stories as you all gathered to share a meal and remember your Mom’s friend. I hope none of us forget to have those regular lunches with our friends and family. Time goes by too fast.

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