My Gen X Playlist: Stuck in a Moment You Can’t Get Out Of – U2

31 thoughts on “My Gen X Playlist: Stuck in a Moment You Can’t Get Out Of – U2”

  1. I was born with 36 teeth instead of 32. I had to have four removed when I was in fourth grade so I’d end up with a straight set (after two years of braces) of 32 teeth. So, after two surgeries and braces, I had a good-looking set of teeth. In my 30’s I had to have my wisdom teeth extracted. Down to 28. Five years ago, I shattered a molar biting down on a popcorn kernel in the movie theater. Down to 27. I’d like to keep the number there. We’ll see!

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  2. I liked the acoustic version ever so much more than the ‘official’ ideo version – most excellent in every way…(Plus in the acoustic version you can actually understand the lyrics – always a plus…and the backstory – adds layers of meaning…)

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  3. I HATE going to the dentist. My parents never took us when we were kids because we couldn’t afford it. Now, my teeth are messed up. I have to get ultrasonic deep cleaning every four months. I’ve never had a cavity, but my gums are bad.
    I’m so glad you got your hole fixed!

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  4. This song was popular when I was going through a really tough time. That one line “Look at you now!” used to play inside my head all the time then. I thought I’d be stuck in that moment forever. Luckily time did pass and I can remind myself of that now, since I’m kinda stuck in another moment it seems… Dental self care, always a good idea…very concrete, I like your answer to this prompt.

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    1. Getting “unstuck” sometimes takes time. Sometimes you wake up and find you are all of a sudden out of the muck. It sneaks up on you like that. Hope you wake up to a clear new morning soon.

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  5. The backstory about Michael Hutchence from INXS definitely adds poignancy, especially to the title. Bono’s a bit angry at his friend who took his own life. Great song.

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  6. Another outstanding post today. Loved the Letterman link. I was a diehard U2 fan from 1984 to about 2015. I grew up with those guys as we are the same age. I have several U2 memories that mean a lot to me, but there came a time when I really missed their youthful passion and anger and commitment to change the world. It’s a different dynamic when you know Bono has a yacht. And he is welcome to it! Maybe I just grew out of them because I found prog rock and it had me at hello.

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    1. I didn’t know Bono had a yacht, but I guess that makes sense. They sold out stadiums back in the day. There is a great video when U2 sings a gospel version of Still Havent Found What I’m Looking For with a choir in Harlem. It’s the cool stuff like this is what I thought was so great back in the day. I grew up with them, too

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  7. My teeth are terrible! I think I have a good smile, but my molar teeth are terrible! Not to blame my mom, but she never took care of my teeth when I was a kid. Maybe because she was broke and not able to afford insurance.

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  8. I once bit into a piece of chicken and half of my front tooth broke off. I didn’t have insurance nor a dentist, so I walked around with half of my front tooth missing for nearly five years. It’s fixed now, but after the first year, I just got used to it.

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  9. Really like that acoustic version from ‘Letterman.’ Impressive falsetto by The Edge! Last year we bought into my former employer’s retiree health insurance as the benefits had improved making it a good deal. I was so glad because a tooth cracked and the repair was $400!

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