My Gen X Playlist: Forever in Blue Jeans – Neil Diamond

26 thoughts on “My Gen X Playlist: Forever in Blue Jeans – Neil Diamond”

  1. I was a no-uniform public school kid too. We spent an awful lot of time and money on our clothes, so I can see that uniforms could have been an equalizer and money-saver.

    So what do you call your shoes?

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    1. That’s a good question. I just call them my shoes. I used to call them tennis shoes when I was a kid, but I don’t play tennis so that went out the window. I call my converse by name. Oddly, I don’t with my adidas. I tend to wear my trail running shoes a lot because they don’t have laces and I’m getting lazy tying them. Sneakers popped into my head when I was writing and it felt just right – like a worn comfortable shoe… sorry, I couldn’t resist.

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  2. I’m a blue jeans lover too! Pretty much my uniform most of the year but now that it’s hot, I prefer shorts/skorts, and sleeveless shirts.

    Love Neil! Love Will.

    i guess uniforms can be a positive things, but Kepler loves his sense of style and I’m glad he gets to choose his outfit every night. He often sends a picture of it to me even though i’m just downstairs. 🥳

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  3. I love my blue jeans too, and I never wear cut-offs. With the summer heat, I need shorts with more air flow. Tenna shoes is what I called the shoes I wore to school. Still to this day, I carry my gym shoes in my gym bag and never where them anywhere else.

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  4. Never heard that Neil Diamond song before – I’m a fan but I’m always running into songs that are new to me – man had a prodigious output. As for jeans/denim – hate them, hate that fabric. I did, of course, own the requisite denim jacket back in the ’60’s – you know the kind with the butterfly appliques on the back – ah, the hippy-dippy flower child days of my youth. Not going to go into forbidden fashions from back in “the old days” (like women wearing pants!)

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      1. When you’re just living your life you don’t think it’s anything special…history and perspective give it meaning in the now that it didn’t have then…

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  5. Such a great song! I can remember dancing to this with my teenage boyfriend in the living room of his grandparents’ house while they were away. 🙂 There’s another song I always think of when I hear it, Danny’s Song. Same sort of vibe, maybe.

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  6. Oh, and I’ve seen both sides of the uniforms or not equation. I didn’t wear uniforms while attending private and then public school, but my kids did and it saved a lot of money and stress, not trying to stay in season, etc. The expression was there in shoes or backpacks. They were fine, but all hate Polo type shirts. 🙂

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  7. Simple things really are the most important!

    I agree with you, weird prompt. Oh well, I guess the prompt department deserves to phone it in once in a while.

    I think there’s a case for school uniforms; the equalizing is one aspect though I suppose the corollary of that is a notion of robbing students of their individuality. Our grandkids and my cousins’ kids all wore uniforms to school and I never heard anything negative about the requirement; if anything it made mornings easier as there was one less decision to fuss over.

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    1. Thanks for your comments, Steve. Hopefully individuality can shine in other ways. Although I think I may initially balk if I had to wear it as a kid, I’d probably just get used to it. Not having to think to get dressed in the mornings is a great thing!

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