My Gen X Playlist: Anticipation – Carly Simon

15 thoughts on “My Gen X Playlist: Anticipation – Carly Simon”

  1. Haha, great post. Marshmallow Fluff and cotton candy are two things that come to mind that should remain as great memories of the past.

    Good to know Carly approved of the ketchup ad…it’s definitely how I first heard the song too. A 70s classic.

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    1. One of the great things about blogging is I get to learn new interesting things. I’ve never heard of Marshmallow Fluff before and looked it up. Looks like it was invented in your neck of the woods. Did you eat fluffernutter sandwiches? There even is a National Fluffernutter Day! Probably no Hallmark Cards for that day, sadly…

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      1. Oh yes! My mother put fluffernutter sandwiches in our lunch boxes. It was the PB & J alternative. Interesting that certain things were primarily on one side of the country only. I’m shocked you never heard of marshmallow fluff in California. It’s a very big country I guess!

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      2. I was surprised, too. I don’t even think I’ve ever seen it in the grocery store. Now I’m going to intentionally look! I may not buy it if I find it, but I’m gonna look

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  2. Beautiful post, beautiful song, and I agree with your advice in the last paragraph. I wish I can take your advice! But I can’t. I always find myself chasing my past…with a lot of heartburns.

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  3. Grease is a spice for a 20 year old, indeed! So funny. And wise. There are experiences I intentionally leave alone so my memories can have free rein.

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  4. Ah, I wish I still had the iron stomach of my youth! I miss the days of eating whatever I want and not gaining any weight.
    Love the song, and I also first heard it on the ketchup commercial. 😊

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