My Gen X Playlist: Obscurity Knocks – Trashcan Sinatras

19 thoughts on “My Gen X Playlist: Obscurity Knocks – Trashcan Sinatras”

      1. It’s a generational shorthand for – at least amongst the folks I know – a meh song. There are actually Youtube videos of American Bandstand Record Review…I watched a few after I made that comment – painful…

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  1. I know exactly how you feel! I was pretty mad when I saw something in the news about separating our waste too! I don’t see anyone in my neighborhood do it and I don’t think anyone is enforcing it either. That is one of the many reasons why I sort of made a 6 year plan to leave CA.

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    1. Many are leaving for Tennessee, Texas, South Carolina, Arizona or Nevada. I’ve entertained thoughts, but it’s difficult to leave the beaches, mountains abs weather. The smog and traffic I can do without, though!

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  2. I agree, 3 cans are a limit. Where I live in Ohio, we get a teeny tiny bin for recycling for free but we recycle way more than that. You have to pay more if you want a large trash can for recycling. It’s like you’re penalized for recycling more. There’s also no green waste project at all around here. They’d probably make us pay for that too. 🤪

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  3. Our city is one of the only larger Canadian centres without a green waste or composting program. We’ve been composting for many years and it’s super simple plus our two bins turn the kitchen vegetable and fruit waste into beautiful soil within a year. Apparently our municipal government is looking at bringing a formal pickup program in in something like 2030!

    I didn’t know this band before… thanks for the intro.

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