My Gen X Playlist: Ironic – Alanis Morrisette

14 thoughts on “My Gen X Playlist: Ironic – Alanis Morrisette”

  1. Can’t say I have ever listened to an Alanis Morissette song (and that includes today’s offering), certainly I have read commentary on her misuse of the word ironic – But – I loved her in ‘Dogma’

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  2. Okay, I love Alanis, but it does actually bother me. Wish it didn’t! Still like the song!

    The song that really gives me a hard time is Shania Twain’s ‘That Don’t Impress Me Much’ because it’s uneven. She sites these big things, but then says “So ya got a car.” It’s anticlimactic! 🙂

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  3. Very clever post, centred on the pill box and running full circle to it! The London Times was being a bit condescending to Alanis in the cutting way Brits can do. But I guess it’s fair game when you’re speaking in the public realm.

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      1. Yes, it is tough especially when the presentation of a quote may lack context, and of course the quoted person has no control of how it is used or misused. Trick is to avoid the comments (other than WordPress 😉).

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