My Gen X Playlist: I Wanna Be Sedated – The Ramones

27 thoughts on “My Gen X Playlist: I Wanna Be Sedated – The Ramones”

  1. If you are prone to panic attacks/high anxiety you can be fully knocked out for cataract surgery, they just prop your eyelids open…which to me is even scarier being unconcious with your eyes open

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  2. Wow that song is annoying! I think when you are sedated all your filters and editors go to sleep and the real you comes out – in my case I giggle, make jokes and – get this – sing! Hoo-boy have the people attending me got their laughs – sometimes I remember what I have done and sometimes I don’t but it’s always the same – laughs and singing…

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    1. Hey, man. If you are going to have a reaction to anesthesia, that’s a good one to have. Well, assuming you are able to sing in tune…. Wait, scratch that… singing out of tune is a way better reaction!

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      1. No, that’s my reaction sedation, with anesthesia when I come out of it I am usually hungry…and I couldn’t carry a tune if I had a herd of elephants to help…doesn’t stop me of course…

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  3. I remember when I got my wisdom teeth pulled, I may have made it as far as seven on the countdown. And then I never saying to the oral surgeon “I think I’m gonna sleep for a while now”. And I don’t remember anything after that!

    As far as the cataract surgery is concerned, that is absolutely true. We had to watch a video of a cataract operation when I was in a high school biology class. I think I’d rather go blind.

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  4. Wow! Scary stuff, the brain surgery….I can’t imagine. I bet you don’t take any little thing for granted anymore. Even though it was benign, still scary stuff 😬

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  5. granted, my eye surgery was LASIK not cataract surgery, but i have no memory at all of anything coming toward my eye. no sensation of discomfort. i think i was awake. my husband was watching the surgery on a big screen and he thought it was cool to watch.

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  6. You described anesthesia extremely accurately. I had my appendix out when I was 13 and I remember waking up immediately after they put the mask on me, and it didn’t even register that the surgery had happened. Really crazy. Similarly, I had three wisdom teeth out about a year and a half ago and in a blink I went from going under to being helped into the car.

    I wasn’t that anxious about either of my operations cause they were both pretty low-risk. I imagine brain surgery must have been a pretty scary ordeal.

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  7. i have no recollection of what transpired after they had me count down, i think i made it to 8 and it was lights out. there are different levels of anesthesia (local, general, regional) and sedation (minimal, moderate, deep, and general). i’m with you, knock me out!

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  8. Anesthesia is completely fascinating, but I’m still thankful not to have been under too many times.

    “So far so good” is a great place to be!

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  9. Brain surgery? Yikes! I’ll have to read your post about that. I love this song. I had a tonsillectomy at age 9. It was a horrible experience – really scary. No one explained anthing, and it was painful afterwards. I have wanted to be sedated many times this past week, lol.

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  10. I’m with you on the full knock-out. Mind you, when just sedated for a couple of procedures over the years, I have no recollection of them though I was supposedly awake. (I hope I didn’t embarrass myself!)

    Great song!

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