My Gen X Playlist: Favourite Shirts (Boy Meets Girl) – Haircut 100

14 thoughts on “My Gen X Playlist: Favourite Shirts (Boy Meets Girl) – Haircut 100”

  1. Love that last line, “I once jumped from haircut to haircut, but have now found there is wisdom and peace slowing down, drawing out life and allowing things time to grow.” I feel like I am in a growing season of life right now. Hopefully, we will both gain wisdom and peace.

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  2. Great post! That’s a fun but of jazz-funk! I don’t remember this song but was somewhat out of circulation in 1980-81 so that might explain it.

    I lost my hair on top about ten years ago, and it always griped me that I’d pay full price for a partial cut… so when Covid hit, I bought an electric clipper and my sweety has been doing my “do” ever since.

    I too envy the warm weather, but not the dryness… though it’s very dry here, almost no snow which is unheard of for this time of year.

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  3. Favorite Shirts was a fav song of mine after a best friend Californian transplant moved to my high school in the Pacific Northwest. His music changed my life as I got into Adam and the Ants, B-Movie, Depeche Mode, Oingo Boingo, a bunch of punk bands primarily stemming from The Terminator soundtrack, and of course, Haircut 100. Reminds me a bit of Wham Rap (Enjoy What You Do?) Great silly/fun stuff.

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    1. Adam and the Ants and Oingo Boingo. Great stuff. I was listening to Adam and the Ants a few weeks ago and it brought back good memories. I always thought, dude – what’s with the pirate outfit? But the music was so good, I didn’t care.

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