My Gen X Playlist: Shine – Collective Soul

23 thoughts on “My Gen X Playlist: Shine – Collective Soul”

  1. Soooo very relatable and made me laugh. I had the absolute most embarrassing thing happen to me, (well I actually did it to myself), it has to be top 5 in the whole world. Maybe someday I’ll share it on WP. And you’re right about those embarrassing moments keeping us humble, ohhhhh yeah.

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  2. Give yourself some grace, my friend. Don’t throw them in a hall of shame! Everyone has embarrassing moments. Sometimes embarrassing moments can teach lessons that we didn’t think we needed to know. Enjoy life! 🌷

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  3. I can so relate to this! I also feel like I have an archive of embarrassing moments in my long-term memory just waiting to pop up and ruin my day. I have to remind myself that those were in the past. There is nothing I can do about them now except laugh. I agree that they keep us humble.

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  4. I think marijuana has really helped me not obsess about past embarrassments. Also, someone once told me to think “will this matter a hundred years from now?” The answer is always no, so I let it go.

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  5. Good post, very thoughtful. It can be tough letting go of the past. I am pretty proficient in the big-screen department but have found help from meditation and mindfulness that supports the idea of our growth leading us to accept that “we are not now who we were then.”

    I remember this song well, though I wouldn’t have been able to place the era.

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    1. I spent a year in Japan. When I returned home, I began reading Japanese authors (translated of course). I took a liking to Haruki Murakami. I’ve gone back a re-read some of his older works, but having trouble starting any of his new stuff. I’m going to give it a try again this summer.

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      1. We just did Murakami’s Kafka on the Shore for a reading group on here. I liked it. I’ve also read Hard Boiled Wonderland. He is very good. I was amazed at the translation-it seemed so smooth.

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      2. Very cool! I’ve read them both, but the storyline escapes me. I’ll have to pick them up and reread them. Murakami is always mentioned as a contender for the Nobel Prize for Literature. Maybe one day he’ll get it.

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