My Gen X Playlist: Like a Rolling Stone – Bob Dylan

25 thoughts on “My Gen X Playlist: Like a Rolling Stone – Bob Dylan”

  1. I’ll admit I like the song, but I like it much better when The Rolling Stones sing it. Bob’s songs to me usually sound better when someone else performs them.

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      1. One of the few where I don’t mind his signing is “Lay Lady Lay”. Mostly because he doesn’t sound like him lol
        But yeah, I agree. I need to be in the mood for Bob.

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      1. I only have a sony discman at this point. but i think i can play them through my apple “USB Super Drive,” although whether that will still
        work with my current laptop is anyone’s guess.

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  2. No, I think we donated ours too. We also have a huge bookshelf full of DVDs. My husband started to transfer them to a computer hard drive, but it was a big project. We still have our DVD player, so sometimes we’ll watch an old movie and enjoy no commercials!

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  3. good grief, the sentimental journey is … didn’t get past the first couple lines. i have my cds as well. streaming is incredibly inconvenient but is also transient in a way physical media is not. i’ll keep looking through them periodically to see if there are any i am ready to let go of. but i’m keeping my cds and albums for now.

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      1. of course i meant streaming is incredibly CONVENIENT. freudian slip i suppose.

        my son puts up with my love of listening to an entire album from start to finish but regards it as some kind of anachronism from neanderthal
        times. but hey i know how to listen to music like a REAL fan.

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  4. I have a small “boombox” (they still sell them at BestBuy, etc). It plays CDs, but also has an antenna and gets radio stations. It has a cord, but can be operated with batteries only. So I consider it a disaster supply (when the power goes out etc)I can still listen to music and search the radio for updates. Plus it plays the few CDs I still have!

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  5. My hubs just sold most of his CDs. He has been schlepping them around for years and like you has no way to play them. I think he kept a few, but not long ago he sold most of them to a record store here in town.

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  6. Haha…I couldn’t listen to the first song either! It was too slow and not really sentimental!
    I have a CD player. I bought it from Best Buy back when I bought and watched all the CDs/movies of “The Twilight Saga” 😂 I’m glad I gave all those CDs away and kept the CD player. Not my genre of movies anymore. 🙈

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  7. That is so funny. My girlfriend has been trying to get me to toss my CD’s and I keep digging my heels in. They have nostalgic value for sure. So what if we don’t have a cd player?

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  8. A classic one indeed, good choice. I too am hanging on to many CDs, rarely ever playing them. Vinyl seems much more worthwhile keeping as I loved the experience of an LP, and of course the full-size cover art and the liner notes.

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